The Wayback Machine -

Devlog 02

All is well, and a lot of progress was made.

At this point, there isn't much one can share without it being spoilers.

There's more puzzles now! Someone far smarter than me is helping me with them, which is nice. They're still lightweight though, as advertised.

The more involved puzzles will be featured mostly in a realm that lies between the human and demon world.

If the discussion section is anything to go by, you're not here for the puzzles anyway. You probably want updates on what kind of routes the game has to offer. I want to spoil it so much!!!!!! I want to tell you what kind of endings there are!!! But I cannot. You must find out for yourselves when the game is out.

I do believe you'll like the variety of outcomes. Though some of you will intensely despise them.

It'll be quite the crapshow, I'm sure... Look forward to it!

Anyhow, I leave you with these.

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm.

Take care!

Get The Coffin of Andy and Leyley [DEMO]